Natural ways to fight CANCER

There are so many people being diagnosed with cancers!  All ages, all races, all kinds ...  Are we all at risk?

The American Cancer Society* says that:

"Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US."

"In 2016, there will be an estimated 1,685,210 new cancer cases diagnosed and 595,690 cancer deaths in the US." 

But the American Cancer Society* also says that 

many cancers are PREVENTABLE!

"The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to body fatness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition, and thus could also be prevented."
"Certain cancers are related to infectious agents ... Many of these cancers could be avoided by preventing these infections through behavioral changes... or by treating the infection."
"Many of the more than 5 million skin cancer cases that are diagnosed annually could be prevented by protecting skin from excessive sun exposure and not using indoor tanning devices."

Did you read that???  

That's a huge % of known cancers that are preventable 
through diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices!!!!

While these choices may be difficult at first, consider diet as the first place to start ... or rather supplementing for what you are NOT getting in your diet.
That's an easy place to start.

Whether you go through chemo or radiation, or what the medical route you choose, there are 

many things you can do to help support your body 

through this time with NeoLife Supplements and Nutrition.  You can even give the body an opportunity to help heal itself!**  The body is made to work FOR you.

According to scripture, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made."

Louis' Story - Terminal Leukemia

To give you a good vision on conquering cancer, listen to this video done by a cancer survivor.  Louis Smith was diagnosed at age 26 with leukemia.  After 5 years of medical treatment, the doctor (who was even a family friend) told him there was nothing else they could do.  Shortly afterwards, Louis found NeoLife nutrition and began on a journey to help his body heal from within.  

....That was over 20 years ago and he is still alive and thriving!!!  I had the privilege of meeting he and his wife this last year in Cancun, Mexico.  They are both passionate about helping others.

There have also been many other stories of people Louis has been able to help by sharing this story with others.

As you heard, there are several NeoLife products that were recommended.  See below ...

How to FIGHT the FIRE
Think of cancer like FIRE.  If you had to fight a fire that was burning up your house, TIME is of the essence!  You must fight FAST and FURIOUSLY.  Think then, would you use a squirt gun to try to put out that fire?  Believe it or not, many people take this approach with nutrition when fighting off a disease ... dabbling with a supplement here or there that they hear might help.  Then, often giving up by saying "it didn't work."

But if you really want to help your body FIGHT, consider fighting the FIRE (cancer) with a fire hose! In other words ... really support your body to the fullest, giving it every opportunity imaginable, every resource within, to fight the disease off.

BEWARE:  Many supplements are dangerous when taken in large amounts for several reasons:
  • Source?  If it's a synthetic source (instead of natural), 50% of that vitamin will act as a toxin to your body.  That's because there are left-hand only and right-handed only molecules that the body recognizes for each nutrient.  However, when a synthetic supplement is made, both left- and right-handed molecules are made ... and the body only recognizes one.  That makes the other half "toxic" to the body.  This was shown most clearly in the Placenta study in which synthetic vitamin E was shown in the elimination tubes of the umbilical cord of a growing fetus.  Obviously, the body did not want this!
  • GMO?   The body does not recognize genetically modified organisms, treating them like a toxin ... and yet another thing to try to get rid of.
  • Organic?  It the source is not organic, who knows what sort of pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals have been used to "create" the supplement.  Would you want to add more toxins to the body during this time?
  • Isolates?  Many supplements come in the form of an isolate, which is a small portion of the nutrient need.  Items like flax seed oil, vit e, omega 3, and more ... are often known to absorb better when consumed with their counter-parts.  And too much of just 1 part ... might be harmful.
  • Absorb-ability?  If the body can't absorb what you're taking, then it is doing you harm instead.  In choosing a supplement, you need to KNOW that the body can digest it, absorb it, and use it ... all they way down to the cellular level!
  • Tested for toxins?
  • From human food chain?
  • Tested on you! If there's no scientific data, then you might be the test-dummy.
Sue's Story - Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Another story would be that of Sue Hamilton, who had Stage 4 breast cancer.  Like Louis, she had done all the conventional medical treatments, but was told that she would die.  Image all the pain, medical costs, side effects and damage done from treatments along the way, and then hearing that none of it worked.  

After meeting Louis, she switched from taking isolate supplements (Standard Process) by the load from her cancer specialist to NeoLife (which immediately saved her money with less bottles!).  On top of completely changing her diet (removing sugar and eating/juicing lots of fresh fruits and vegetables), she saw dramatic healing and is now in FULL REMISSION!

This is a phenomenon, as she is 1 survivor out of the 20,000 women with her cancer in CA.  The CA cancer board has an open case on her to investigate the miracle.

More stories:
There are other stories that are not complete transformation and miracles, but that's ok, too. It is obvious that the body was working. Take, for example, the following example:

Re-told by a friend from his church: "After this man had been using NeoLife products, he still needed to have a massive tumor removed from his lungs.  Miraculously, when the surgery was performed, the tumor was completely encapsulated and had not spread.  He blew the doctors away with his immune markers and was released the day of the surgery!  He attributes this to NeoLife and is still taking many of the supplements below to prevent recursion, gain weight, and heal completely."

NeoLife Nutrition Support

Depending on financial situation, and the seriousness of each case, consider the following nutrients for your body.  As best as possible, seek the support of a Certified Nutritionist or medical professional to help you along this journey.  If they have never heard of NeoLife, they might just be blown away once they hear!  Be confident in sharing how amazing these products are.

The leading toxocologist in the world, Dr. Arthur Furst, who was the inventor of oral chemotherapy, is a known name in the medical community.  His discovery on how to help rid the body of toxins is a great support to those who are in the middle of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  These NeoLife products can be used right along-side other medical treatments to help support the body and dramatically reduce the potential side effects.

STEP #1 - Support Cellular Repair and Nutrition
1) ProVitality+ - An amazing multi-vitamin that includes:

  • antioxidant and free-radical protection from fruits and vegetables - Carotenoid Complex
  • lipids and sterols, omega 6's for cellular nutrition - Tre-en-en
  • omega 3's - Salmon Oil Plus
  • Vitamins and Minerals for overall health and support

2) NeoLife Shake - Made up of all 22 amino acids, this nutritiously dense meal-replacement shake has 18 grams of protein per serving.  Each and every CELL, HORMONE, ENZYME is made from amino acids.  If you do not have the specific amino acids available for making the strands necessary, then the body goes without.  Taking a shake or 2 each day ensures that you are giving your body adequate amounts of readily available amino acids to work with.

Together, these 2 products are called the Breakfast Pack and are the foundational support for the body.  Available HERE.

STEP#2 - Support Immune System

1) The #1 product is: PHYTODEFENSE
This is the foundation of immune support.  Consider taking 1-6 packets per day.
Each packet of PhytoDefense contains 3 capsules of the amazing Carotenoid Complex which has been proven by the USDA to boost the immune system 37% in just 20 days.
Also included is the Cruciferous Plus and Flavenoid Complex.  These nutrients are also super valuable in helping with auto-immune deficiencies.

2) Super C - Vitamin C is a known support for the immune system.  It is also a large component in cellular reproduction and repair.

3) Cod Liver Oil - with healthy amounts of Vitamins A & D, these nutrients are also known as immune boosters.

STEP #3 - Help Eliminate Toxins

1) DETOX:  Consider helping the body's digestive and elimination tract by doing a 3-day DETOX.

2) Beta-Gard:  Developed by Dr. Arthur Furst (mentioned above).  This product helps to get heavy metal toxins, free radicals, and other toxins OUT of the body and into the gut for elimination.

3) GARLIC:  Nature's antibiotic.  Garlic and other nutrients from the Allium family help the body get rid of bacteria and viruses.  When antibiotics can only "resist", garlic and allium can actually KILL.

To start on a NeoLife program of your choosing, simply Join the FREE NeoLife club by clicking below to order.

**NeoLife does not claim to treat or cure any disease.  The authors of this website do not claim to treat or cure any disease.  However, the stories and testimonies of others are encouragement to help support the body in prevention or restoration.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

*American Cancer Society Stats for 2016