Nutrition during pregnancy - first trimester

We're expecting again!!  Thrilled and delighted to be expecting our 8th baby, due in August sometime.  I've recently been reminded of all the "things" I normally do during this time to take care of my baby and my body.

Helpful tips for anyone who is pregnant, hoping to be pregnant, or nursing.

1)  PROTEIN!  My body craves protein, although it often seems like I'm craving sugar.  If I have a hankering for the sweets, I know that my body is really needing more protein.  To learn more about the body's need for protein, visit my previous post here.  Keeping healthy, nutritious proteins on hand are my life-saver during these long 9 months.  Snacking on proteins also keep my blood sugars from spiking, which helps to avoid the scary gestational diabetes.   My favorite protein-rich foods/snacks during pregnancy include the following:

  • cottage cheese w/ salt & pepper
  • cottage cheese w/ applesauce, peaches, pears, or pineapple
  • tuna salad & crackers
  • tuna sandwich/pita
  • cheddar cheese slices & apples
  • Peanut butter & apples
  • bumps on a log: PB and raisins on celery sticks
  • egg omelet w/ veggies
  • hard-boiled egg
  • egg salad sandwich/pita
  • mozzarella cheese sticks
  • A good ol' Burger!  I love burgers!
  • nuts and raisins (almonds are my favorite)
  • hummus and carrots
  • protein shake!  See my favorite recipes here.
2) Iron -- I get anemic during pregnancy.  Anemia translates into fatigue and weakness in the body, if it's not getting enough iron from your diet.  Iron is necessary to help carry oxygen in the blood to every part of the body.  From the beginning of pregnancy, the body starts to double it's blood supply!  It also works on building that amazing organ -- the placenta.  Amazing!  Indeed, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," as the Bible states.  Fortunately, anemia is a very mild issue to deal with.  The easiest thing for me to do regularly is to take an iron supplement.  However, I also like to take a Liver supplement (for added endurance and energy) as well as eating foods that are rich in iron.  
  • Steak!  Red meat rocks
  • A good ol' Burger!
  • Ground beef
  • Roast beef
  • spinach
  • molasses
  • raisins
  • prunes
  • broccoli
  • kidney beans (atop a salad, or in chili)
3)  Pre-natal supplements.  I admit it, I take a bunch!  We're big on "filling the gap" here in this house. We eat well, but I never feel like I get enough nutrients to truly meet all the needs of my body - especially when it is making a baby to boot. And, when you're feeling nauseous or tired, the first thing to go is often nutrition through proper foods.  I love knowing that with NeoLife nutrition, we are helping to support my body as best we can, as well as giving the baby everything it needs for adequate development.  My husband takes our nutritional health very seriously and it all starts with 
  • Tre-en-en which includes the essential grain oils from rice, wheat, and soy.  The soy is NON-GMO and actually good for your body.  This is the foundation for my endocrine system, hormone manufacturing, and cell-building.
  • I add Stress 30 multi-vitamin pack - which has large amounts of all the nutrients necessary for supporting the body during stress.  When making babies, the body is indeed stressed!  This supplement pack includes vitamins and minerals (A, B's, C, and E, as well as minerals).
  • I add Lipotropic Adjunct for extra energy and folic acid (especially necessary in the first trimester for baby's brain development).
  • Cod Liver Oil - rich in fish-sourced vitamins A & D, which are different than plant-derived vitamins A & D
  • Super C for healthy cell development and immunity
  • Multi-Minerals - occasionally, I'll add extra of these for healthy bone development and nervous system
  • Vitamin E - NeoLife has the BEST Vitamin E supplement!  Water-miscible, non-synthetic, bioavailable, and includes all 8 parts of Vit E.  Did you know that there are 8 parts?  Most people only sell 1 (the cheapest).  Vitamin E is very helpful to the uterine wall.  Taking a good amount of Vitamin E, especially during the 1st trimester helps with proper implantation and nutrient absorption.
  • Carotenoid Complex has a full spectrum of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables.  Protection from free-radicals and toxins begins in the womb.
  • Enzymes to help with digestion, when needed.  Helps to avoid acid reflux.
  • Salmon Oil Plus - Helpful for the development of the baby's brain, as well as a myriad of other developmental needs in both baby and mother.  I take this supplement at night.
  • Cal-Mag with Vit D  - I take this wonderful supplement at night as well, to help me sleep well. If you get leg cramps or insomnia, you might want to try this, too.
  • Vitamin K - to help prevent hemorrhaging complications from lack of clotting.  I had issues with this after delivering my first three babies, but have thankfully had no complications regarding this area with my last 4 - since taking Vit K (especially in my 3rd trimester).
4) Sleep ... Even with taking all my supplements, by the evening, I am often tired.  I have to remind myself that my body is busy working around the clock to make this baby.  All of this good nutrition I am giving my body must now be digested, absorbed into the blood stream, and sent to its proper places in my growing body.  My blood supply is doubling and the placenta is being formed from scratch.  Every system (cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive, etc) is also being formed in this new little baby.  Miraculous!  During my last pregnancy, I pushed it hard, and kept going when I should have rested - and I paid for it later with bed-rest.  This time, I'm reminding myself to just relax and rest a bit more.  I don't want to get into the habit of taxing my adrenal glands by pushing my body past what it wants to handle.  Coffee and sugars (and high-carb snacks) are typical boosters that push us into "overdrive" when we should be resting.

5)  Tricks for morning sickness:  Sometimes it's in the morning, but more often I'll get waves of nausea around 4:00 in the afternoon ... when I should be making dinner.  My favorite quick fix for this is to drink several sips of Reed's all natural ginger brew.  Totally settles my stomach.  Also, eating a small protein snack at least ever 2 1/2 to 3 hours keeps my stomach fairly settled as well.  I haven't had too much nausea yet, so maybe I'm doing better in this area this time around.

You would think I'd have it down!  However, I still have to remind myself to stay disciplined in certain areas, keep up with my supplements, get adequate rest, eat protein, etc.  You can help remind me, too. :-)

Nutrition during pregnancy - third trimester