Naturally fight off infection by helping the body

5 Natural ways to fight off Infection
by helping the body

So, you have an infection.

Don't panic!  The body is designed to fight off infection.  And, when given the right support, nutrients, rest, and time, the body can often do a better job than anything else ... and create immunity in the process.  WOW!  Thank you, Lord, for creating us so well.

One quick note -- often times people attempt to "treat" themselves naturally by taking a little of this or that.  Then they say, "it didn't work" and they run and get medicine.  

I suggest a different approach.  Attack the infection as if it were a raging fire -- and your treatment like a "fire hose."  The more you do right at first, the better equipped your body will be to fight and repair.  But, that's just my opinion. :-)

So what can we do to help the body?

#1) REST

There is no substitute for sleep and immobility.  All the supplements and good eating habits in the world won't take it's place.  And being tired is not necessarily a bad thing.  The body repairs and builds its millions of cells while sleeping.  So, help yourself out and close your eyes for a bit.

#2)  Support your immune system with extra vitamins.

You immune system does amazing things - all of which no one knows.  But, what we do know is that the body rapidly depletes certain nutrients in order to help itself.  So, adding certain supplements during this time, is quite helpful.  Instead of letting your body search the bloodstream and come up empty, fill yourself with nutrients that the body can readily grab and utilize to fight, build, repair, and restore its cells.

Vitamin C - When you're down, you're down.  It's a good time to pop in the chewable vitamin C's, or take extra Vitamin C all day long.  This is a water-soluable vitamin, meaning that the body will use it, and not store it necessarily.  Beef it up.  

Neolife's All-C and Super C are full of other nutrients found in the orange - one of nature's highest sources for Vitamin C.  Of course, it's organic and non-GMO, non-synthetic and all of the other things we've come to trust with NeoLife's products.  But, another wonderful factor in this supplement is that it comes with bioflavenoids - which are found in the orange peel (the white of the peel, that is).  This is how Vitamin C is found in nature - so that's how it's found in these supplements.

Carotenoid Complex - You've probably heard of beta-carotene (the carotenoid found in carrots).  Well, there are over 600 different carotenoids found in nature.  Carotenoids are the "pigment" or color found in fruits and vegetables that have powerful antioxidant properties.  
NeoLife's Carotenoid Complex is a superior immunity boosting supplement.  This supplement has a broad spectrum of these carotenoids - and is the equivalent of over 250 lbs of raw fruits and vegetables.  100% natural and beyond organic, of course.  In addition, it was the study of the USDA research which proved that it boosted the immune system 37.6% in just 20 days.  So, if you're immune system is down, this is an essential.

Cod Liver Oil - high in Vitamins A & D.  The immune system thrives on these nutrients during illness.
NeoLife's Cod Liver Oil only uses fresh ocean cod - not from fish farms.  The fish are tested for potency and purity (toxicity).  You won't find any Mercury in this bottle.  Thank you, NeoLife.

Garlic - If you can't do fresh garlic, at least pop a few Garlic Allium Complex tablets to help the body fight off infection.  Garlic is known as "nature's antibiotic" having natural antimicrobial properties, along with several other members of the allium family including onions, chives, and leeks.  

Protein Shake - Protein is one of the most important nutrients for the body, in general, but especially when sick.  With all the body's functions being called into action, you'll need extra, bioavailable (readily available) amino acids to help build all the variations of enzymes, hormones, new cells, etc.  This protein shake is also full of vitamins and minerals, so you're getting more support here, as well.  Why NeoLife's protein?  Check out all the reasons I love this shake and recommend it over other protein supplements here.

Zinc and other Minerals - Especially necessary during this time.  Minerals greatly support your endocrine system (including the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands) which help to produce hormones.

#3)  Eat good foods:

Chicken broth - Not from a container, mind you!  Take some bone-in chicken, put in water, and slow-cook all day.  The minerals and gelatins in the bones come out in the water and create a nourishing beverage.  Add the chicken, with vegetables and you have a soup that will nourish your body well.

Coconut Water - Different from coconut milk.  The water of the young coconut is full of electrolytes that help to replenish the body.  It has even been used as a primitive IV - as a sterile water!  Don't go for the chemical electrolyte blends on the market, reach for natural, refreshing coconut water.  This is especially good if you've lost a lot of fluids (if you know what I mean).

Garlic - Called "Nature's Antibiotic", garlic is quite helpful in killing off unwanted bacteria.  A great addition to your chicken broth, or a vegetable stirfry, add fresh garlic and let it do it's work in your body.

Avoid sugars - Yes, we know this.

Yogurt/Kefir - Help the body replenish it's healthy bacteria and cultures by eating yogurt, kefir, or other cultured foods.  Some of these bacterias have even been shown to fight off bad bacteria in the gut.

#4) Take a few essential oils

Essential Oils are awesome for medicinal purposes, but should be used with caution.  A few to take for infection include:

Frankinsense - antibacterial and antiviral
Thieves - a combination of oils: clove, rosemary, lemon, cinnamon, and eucalyptus -- helpful in attacking bacteria and microbes.
Oregano - another versatile and powerful immune system enhancer
Lavender - a soothing, relaxing oil

#5)  PRAY!

God is our master creator and healer.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.  And all these things shall be added unto you."  I've been so thankful for the Lord's intervention at times.  When in doubt, pray.