So, a friend and I were talking about weight loss. Why is it so hard to lose weight?? Especially after pregnancy?
My first response is that when you are taking good nutrition, you eat less junk. Your body is naturally satisfied, therefore you eat less excess. I notice that my portions are typically smaller when I am faithful to take Formula IV Plus (the multivitamin with grain oils) along with my other vitamins.
When I am pregnant or nursing, this is a nice feature because it is at these times that I want to eat anything and everything in sight. My body needs NUTRIENTS. So, supplementing helps because I get my body the wonderful nutrients it needs without all the extra calories and superfluous food. Also, in this day and age, you simply cannot get what you need from the food we eat. Even eating organically, making your own bread, drinking fresh raw milk, growing a garden, etc ... you body will not get all that it needs. How many fish can you eat in a week?? How many loaves of bread or bowls of oatmeal or massive salads?? To literally consume all these nutrients, we'd be over 300 lbs! But by supplementing, we get the added nutrients without all the extra calories, fiber, etc.
Its been proven that by just taking Formula IV Plus you to get 50% more nutrition from the food you are already eating. Why is this?? Because your cells are able to receive nutrition (at the cellular level!) and get rid of toxins easier. If you are getting more food to your cells, this is good, you are giving your body what it needs.
The best way to keep the weight off is to balance your diet. You need to manage your blood sugars. Eating protein throughout the day will keep your blood sugar from dropping. Start with a good breakfast that includes protein. A lunch that includes protein is also helpful. I find that I need another protein boost at 4:00 or else I begin to go through all the cupboards, open the fridge about 10 times, find some chocolate or a cookie, etc. Craving sweets usually means you need protein. GNLD's protein shakes are my life savers here. The kids and I all love our 4:00 protein shake/smoothie/popsicle break. :-)
Exercise. This one is tricky for me because if I don't have energy, I don't feel like exercising. Although exercising (my husband reminds me) will usually give me more energy, I'm more likely to take a break and sit on the couch for a minute than pop in an exercise video. However, once again, this is where GNLD helps. If I'm faithful to take my supplements and keep my blood sugar from dropping, then I DO have the extra energy I need to focus on toning and cardio, etc. Also, little is much. Doing a few situps every time I'm on the floor with the munchkins is better than never doing anything.
So, take control and keep the weight off.
My first response is that when you are taking good nutrition, you eat less junk. Your body is naturally satisfied, therefore you eat less excess. I notice that my portions are typically smaller when I am faithful to take Formula IV Plus (the multivitamin with grain oils) along with my other vitamins.
When I am pregnant or nursing, this is a nice feature because it is at these times that I want to eat anything and everything in sight. My body needs NUTRIENTS. So, supplementing helps because I get my body the wonderful nutrients it needs without all the extra calories and superfluous food. Also, in this day and age, you simply cannot get what you need from the food we eat. Even eating organically, making your own bread, drinking fresh raw milk, growing a garden, etc ... you body will not get all that it needs. How many fish can you eat in a week?? How many loaves of bread or bowls of oatmeal or massive salads?? To literally consume all these nutrients, we'd be over 300 lbs! But by supplementing, we get the added nutrients without all the extra calories, fiber, etc.
Its been proven that by just taking Formula IV Plus you to get 50% more nutrition from the food you are already eating. Why is this?? Because your cells are able to receive nutrition (at the cellular level!) and get rid of toxins easier. If you are getting more food to your cells, this is good, you are giving your body what it needs.
So, take control and keep the weight off.