Getting a good start

Everyone's days are different.  However, we all need to get a good start.  Nutritionally, that means a few things for us here at the Johnson home.

1) The first thing I do when I come into the kitchen in the morning is drink a glass of hot water.  Many people enjoy a cup of hot tea, which is good too.  

2) Then I swallow an Acidophilus capsule (pro-biotic), and a Cod liver Oil capsule.  With the acidophilus, I'm encouraging good bacteria growth in my gut.  The vitamin A, found high in cod liver oil, helps to strip the lining of the intestine of any unwanted mucus.  This is especially good if you are struggling with any post-nasal dripping as it usually finds its way to the stomach.  Keeping mucus levels at bay is imperative if you're going to be able to digest your food well.  So, these two things help get the gut off to a good start and ready to digest what I send its way.

3) Eating a good balanced breakfast comes next.  We usually make eggs and add either a starch or grain to that.  Top it off with fruit (fresh in the summer, home-canned in the winter) and yogurt.  Potatoes, Oatmeal, Ten-grain cereal, pancakes, french toast, toast, or muffins serve as grains and healthy starches.  We add to our cereals dried fruit (raisins), shredded coconut, nuts, fresh raw goat's milk, and honey.  Pancakes and french toast are served with peanut butter, yogurt, and applesauce instead of just butter and syrup.

We typically avoid the common cold cereals (simple carbs and refined sugars) and go for foods that are less processed.  A good balance of protein and carbs is very important.  Your body can endure much longer with healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates to work with.  Yogurt is good for our digestive system by providing healthy cultures. And good sweeteners like fruit, honey, and applesauce are so much better than corn syrups or lots of other sweeteners on the market.

4) We have our boys take their supplements in the morning while Dwight and I split them between morning and evening, typcially.  One of the boys is responsible for dishing out the vitamins at breakfast.  Each one takes Vita-Squares (chewable multivitamins with grain oils), Cod Liver Oil, Carotenoid Complex, Salmon Oil, and All-C (chewable).  Its a great way to start the day!  My next post will be on the benefits of the supplements for children.  I'm passionate about this one!  

Dwight and I take a myriad of GNLD supplements including Formula IV Plus (w/ Tre-en-en), Carotenoid complex, and Salmon oil plus.  We then beef that up with additional vitamins E, B, C, and minerals and enzymes as necessary.

5) In addition to a healthy lunch and dinner, I rarely forget our 4:00 protein shake with the NeoLife shake.  It's a great way for us to help repair our cells with good proteins, as well as keep our blood sugars up until dinner.  I love giving my family a healthy snack.

Hope you get a good start to your day, too!