
Couple notes on Calcium:
1.  Calcium should not be taken with iron.  The calcium bonds with the iron and makes it unabsorbable.  For me this means that I don't take my calcium with meals. Spinach, liver, red meat, molasses, and prunes are high in iron.
2.  Calcium has been shown to be a very difficult mineral to absorb.  However, it is more absorbable when taken with Magnesium (another mineral) and Vitamin D.  GNLD's Chelated Cal-Mag with 1000IU of Vit D3 has it all.
3.  I take my Cal-Mag in the evenings, before bed.  I take 3 on a regular basis and 6 when pregnant or nursing.  The calcium helps me to sleep well.   Do you remember hearing of mothers putting their children to bed with a warm cup of milk?  Perhaps it was the calcium that helped soothe them to sleep.
4.  During pregnancy, insomnia and leg cramps are common, which is another reason to take Cal-Mag.
5.  A lot of calcium supplements are from oyster shells or other sources that are more difficult for the body to handle.  This makes the amount of calcium that you actually get in your body minimal considering the high volume of calcium you ingest.  GNLD's Cal-Mag is highly absorbable, being from egg shells.  Which, then means that you can take less and receive more benefit.